About this website

This website provides translated texts related to the secret filming in the Japanese ice show "Prince Ice World".
The major source for traslation is http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20100725122342 (Japanese)
If you came to this website for the first time, please read this article.

Through this problem, we want foreign figure skating fans to notice that photographs and videos are strictly prohibited in Japan, even outside shows. Some people who are involved in this matter are saying that photos&filming are OK, but THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED. I heard that many foreign fans know how strict the rules for watching Japanese figure skating is. However, I found out that there are amount of people who do not know it, and what is more there are even people who ignore our rules for their own desire. There is a proverb "When you are in Rome, do as Romans do." So, I made this website.
Japanese figure skating fans have been respecting rules for a long period of time, but by one fan our figure skating culture will be broken. Besides, we cannot easily forgive them because of their behaviors to the victims and other figure skating fans.
Please do not download any photos or videos taken in Japan. This is what you can do to respect Japanese figure skating culture.

We have to mind manners once more to enjoy the show.
And most of all, to respect the performers who skates in shows and competitions.

If you have any question about this website or translated texts, mail me at blaze4rsoul@gmail.com
or follow http://twitter.com/blaze4rsoul

I appreciate for your understanding.


The source text of translation was deleted by someone.
Successfully I found the article on Google cache. The following image and text are captured image and transcribed one.
Please note that several new information are added.



  • 概要


Twitter上で注意されると、悪びれず「いったん非公開にし、特定できないよう加工して再びアップロードする」と返答したが、非公開にされたのは複数ある動画のうちいくつかのみで、他は公開されたまま。(謝罪時のツイッターログと、ふぁぼったーログを比較すると、謝罪後も動画をアップロードしていることがわかる。謝罪ログ:http://twitpic.com/290jix ふぁぼったーログ:http://twitpic.com/28m7xu

対応が悪いと2ちゃんねる等で話題になると、facebook内にて、親しいフォロワー達と、注意した人間等や、他選手ファンを貶める会話を続ける。同時に自分のブログに謝罪文を掲載、動画を全削除するも、謝罪文は数時間も経過しないうちに削除(2ちゃんねるを見ている、との発言があったことから、話題となったスレッドで、擁護工作をしていたのでは? という見方もある)。


  • プリンスアイスワールドでの撮影について




  • 動画の無断アップロードについて


  • プリンスアイスワールド側の反応について


  • 日本語版フォーラムについて
  • あくまで「日本語版」の個人フォーラムであり、プルシェンコ本人とは無関係である。



  • 英訳版


  • Togetterによるまとめ



  • 「プリンスアイスワールド」




>767 名前: 名無し草 Mail: sage 投稿日: 2010/07/24(土) 23:30:13



fearfish0820 = Риэ= RieEnoki


http://www.dotup.org/uploda/www.dotup.org1049343.jpg.html ※現在は削除されている








fearfish0820/Риэ 2010-06-10 18:57:52

About me





●フォーラムではシカト● ※一時削除されていた。現在は、既にアカウントを取得している人間のみアクセス可能(筆者はアカウントがないため未確認)


http://twitpic.com/290hyo ※当時のグーグルキャッシュ



@RealPluFan こんにちは〜。少し前にYouTubeのほうにコメントいただいたので、いま非公開にしている最中です。





http://www.dotup.org/uploda/www.dotup.org1049343.jpg.html ※現在は削除されている



> 腐でバンギャでスケオタなんだよw

> でも現実はヒソヒソ言うくらいしか出来ない子たちだから大丈夫。

> ランビオタの構想が一番激しいんだけど、

> あんなマジモンの盗撮騒ぎ(演技をほんとに盗撮してた)があっても、

> 何もないから大丈夫。


771 名前: 名無し草 Mail: sage 投稿日: 2010/07/24(土) 23:35:32


速攻削除 ttp://fearfish0820.wordpress.com/


http://twitpic.com/28ruy1 ※当時のグーグルキャッシュ

663 :氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁:2010/07/25(日) 01:03:54 id:olXvM0Mt0









664 :氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁:2010/07/25(日) 01:03:58 id:FEuSMlZP0









キャッシュ画像 (Google cache image)

Conversation in facebook

This is a conversation taken place in facebook, July 23 2010.
While fearfish0820(Rie in this conversation) had been replying to fans who warned to delete videos, she and her fellows (Aco=acopeto, Ami=dust_man, Noriko) were diminishing fans and those whose face were shown in the film. Note that this conversation was taken place in public mode, they are aware that it will be seen by someone else.

For the captured image, please see here. The following text is the transcribed one.

They are using bunch of Japanese internet slangs, so it might be difficult to understand all. What you need to understand before you read is the use of "w". This letter represents laughter. Similar internet slang is "lol", so in the text most "w"s are changed into this word. However, "w" sometimes implies sarcasm, sneer, or derision. The more "w"s, the stronger the meaning will be.

Aco: あこたんが何故あすこに書かれているのか本当にわからない…w みたらますます謎w
(Aco: I dunno why I'm written there … lol Stranger I see it lol)
Ami: なんでだろうねw どう考えてもわたすのほうが先に書かれるだろw盗撮だ!ってw
(Ami: Me either lol I'm supposed to be the
one written there [2ch] lol Like, "That's secret filming"! lol)

Aco: サンミーww団扇マァダァ(・∀・ )っ/凵⌒☆チンチン 巻き込まれた感は否めないけどまぁいいよw
(Aco: Sanmy[Ami] lol Someone gimme a fan? (・∀・ )っ/凵⌒☆ching It seems like I'm being involved but oh well...)
Noriko: ミステリーだよねwww
(Noriko: That’s a mystery lol)
Rie: どうせ大したこと書かれていないから見ないほうがいいよ。多分見たらキレるでしょう。ああいうのは何か反応があれば喜ばれるから〜。
(Rie: There's nothing special written there, so you better not to read it. You might lose your temper. They [people in 2ch] want our reaction to laugh at us.)
Aco: あれ多分バンギャもマジッとる。バンギャ+腐。てか回してるの20人位と思いますよ。まぁ特に手出しもできそうにない連中ということは理解。
(Aco: I think they include ban gals. Ban gals and Fujoshi. I think about 20 people are chatting in the thread. Well, I understand that those fellows can't do anything special.)
Rie: 腐でバンギャでスケオタなんだよw でも現実ではヒソヒソ言うくらいしか出来ない子たちばかりだから大丈夫。ランビオタの構想が一番激しいんだけど、あんなマジモンの盗撮騒ぎ(演技を本当に盗撮してた)があっても、何もならないから大丈夫。
(Rie: They are Fujoshi and band gals and figure skating geeks lol But actually, only they can do is just muttering about it, so it doesn’t matter. [Stephan] Lambiel geeks' internal conflict was the most violent one, but when there was a real secret filming (really secret-filming the performance) happened last time [in the ice show], there wasn't anything. So there won’t be anything [in our case too.])
Aco: 腐とバンギャでなぜスケヲタになるのかwwてかなんなの腐とかきもちわるっ 腐とバンギャって事は金無しだから人の事がうらやましいんですねわかりません
(Aco: Why Fujoshi and ban gals become skating geek? [I can't understand] What's Fujoshi? They are disgusting. Fujoshi and ban gals don't have money so they are jealous of us. I don't understand.)
Ami: 演技盗撮wwwそれでなにもなかったのなら大丈夫ですね。参加できずに嫉妬で当たり散らすんですね・・・こわこわ・・!
Ami: Secretly filming the performance lol [oh my goodness] And there wasn't anything. Then [we will be] OK [too]. They take us out because of jealousy... ooooooooo scary, scary...!)
Rie: 「これは盗撮ではなく秘撮です」とか言ってたからね。あとランビオタに序にオタ?がとったFaOIとDOIのパーティー動画は、嫌がらせでつべにUPられてんね。拡散禁止でフォーラムにあげたものが、削除しろって言ってもしないし。あの辺、腐の関係で仲悪いと思う。どちらより人気があるか(腐的に)ってことで。
(Rie: They said that “this is not secret filming, it’s just that I secretly filmed it” And about party videos in FaOI and DOI uploaded by Lambiel geeks or Johnny [Weir] geeks? [probably], they were uploaded in Youtube with crank. Those videos had been uploaded in the forum not to spread [them on web]. People warned them to delete [videos] but they didn’t listen. I think they [Lambiel geeks and Johnny geeks] are like cats and dogs related to field of Fujoshi. I mean, which is more popular (to Fujoshi))
Rie: もーピンク界隈のことは任せてくださいよ。ずっと見てるから(笑)。
(Rie: Oh, ask me everything about PINKs lol I'm all ears to them ;-))
Rie: ↑張り付いてスレにかぶりつきでみてるってことじゃなく、期間が長いってことね。
(Rie: That means I watch them for a long time. Not watching the threads all day long.)
Aco: 秘撮wwww地下鉄で吹き出したw 鍵つけたほうがいいんだろうけど敢えてスルーします。バンギャの扱いなら任せてくださいw
(Aco: Secretly filming lol I burst out in a subway. It might be better changing it to private mode but I’ll venture not to care about it. I know how to handle ban gals so ask me about it lol)
Rie: プルオタにはそういうのはいなかったんだけど、最近やたらバンギャ流れ的なオタクが増えてな・・。プルも腐人気すごいけど、新しい人と昔からの人の意識の違い、趣味の違いが凄くて、プルスレ分裂気味になってたことあったでしょう。まあ、あの流れも全部みてるとなるほどな、と納得いくという。
(Rie: There wasn't such guys[geeks with ban gals] in Plushy geeks, but recently they are increasing… Plushy is also popular among Fujoshi. New [fans] and old [fans] have different awareness and different favors. You know that once Plushy thread [in 2ch] had been kind of breakup. Watching that all stream, you’ll understand.)
Aco: うん年前以来バンギャとは関わりないけど何一つ変わってないですねw2ちゃんが全てだと思ってる人たち(・∀・)そういえば一時期分裂気味でしたねぇ。たまにしか見ないから詳しくはわからなかったですが、なーる。てか腐に人気てのがようわからんです…何がくすぐるんだ。
(Aco: I haven't involved with ban gals for several years, but they haven't changed anything at all lol Those that think 2ch is everything(・∀・) Indeed there was once kind of breakup happened. I seldom see [2ch] so I didn’t know the detail, but I got it. I can’t understand the fact that Plushy is popular among Fuhoshi... What tickles them?)
Aco: 他人の顔なんてそうそう見ないから安心しろよwwwwwwって直接書きたかったけど自重。
(Aco: Wanted to post [to 2ch] "No one cares about other's face, [idiots]! lol" but I took good care of myself.)
Noriko: まぁ、見てないよね。
(Noriko: Yeah, they don’t care.)
Ami: 見てないよねー^^
(Ami: Indeed :-) [what are they worrying about?])
Aco: ( ゚Д゚ )久々に2見たらギッスギスwwwワロスwwwwあー気持ち悪い みんな仲良く!
(Aco: ( ゚Д゚ )[Oh my goodness…] I saw 2[ch] in ages. Its soooooo strained!! Oh my goodness lol Disgusting... Everyone be nice!)
Noriko: まじでwwwwさいきんこわいーみてないーwww
(Noriko: Really!? [2ch] are scary these days I haven’t seen it lol)
Aco: 出る杭を打ちまくりたい人がいるのはどこの世界も同じだねぇ。みんな仲良く!
(Aco: It’s common to any field that there are people who really want to hammer the sticking-up nails. Everyone be nice!)
Aco: ヒュン(^o^≡^o^)ヒュン(^o^≡^o^)ヒュン(^o^≡^o^)ヒュン(^o^≡^o^)ヒュン

Explanation of words
Fujoshi: females who make slashes with male characters
ban gals: groupie girls of band groups
PINKs: Threads for R-18 in 2ch. In the conversation, they indicates threads for figure skating slashes

Edits posted on Jul 27&29

Additional information posted on Jul 27&29 2010

Edit 1 (posted Jul 27 2010)
About the filming and photographing in Prince Ice World
See FAQ in PIW official website (http://www.princehotels.co.jp/iceshow/faq/)

Q. Can we take photographs or videos during the show?
A. Unpermitted photographing and filming during the show will disturb other audiences.
Therefore, they are strictly prohibited.

About the unpermitted upload of the videos
In 2ch, there was a post that they reported to PIW that their face had been shown in the uploaded videos without permission. PIW replied that they took this problem seriously and would take somewhat measures.
Note that there is no proof or any record for this phonecall.

Response from PIW
According to the post on 2ch, from the inside information PIW considers to

  • reconsider the fureai time itself
  • reexamine Plushenko skating in PIW show

as a countermeasure of uploaded videos by Plushenko fans.
These are not the official response by PIW, non liquet.

About Japanese fan forum
The forum is a personal fan forum. It has nothing to do with Plushenko official itself.
Right now guests are unable to view the forum, but those who have their account can view the pages.
However, there is no proof that the forum has existed until Jul 26.

The administrater fearfish0820 posted an apology to the forum, according to visitors.
However, few Plushenko fans notice the new forum, so are the fans of other skaters who had been filmed in the PIW video. Therefore, those who do not know about the forum cannot see the apology.

Edit 3 (posted Jul 29 2010)
In Plushenko community page in mixi*1, fearfish0820 posted a weblog address which posts an apology.
Right now the URL is posted only in mixi and few people notice the weblog.

*1:Japanese SNS. The website requires registration. Only those who registered can see the URL

Round-up of Secret Filming in Japanese Figure Skating Show “Prince Ice World” part 2

These are continuing translation of http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20100725122342
The blue font is the translated one.

>767 名前: 名無し草 Mail: sage 投稿日: 2010/07/24(土) 23:30:13

(Administrator of Japanese Plushy fan forum really sucks)
([Japanese private] Plushy fan forum administrator)
fearfish0820 = Риэ= RieEnoki

(facebook log)
http://www.dotup.org/uploda/www.dotup.org1049343.jpg.html now deleted

(twitter log)
(I started Plushy fan board. But it’s currently in trial)
(I made new friends through Vancouver (Oly) and Twitter becomes boxy for me...)もしよかったら遊びに来てやってください!
(Please join the forum!)

fearfish0820/Риэ 2010-06-10 18:57:52

About me

(This blog is by a fan of Russian figure skater, Evgeni Plushenko.
For certain reasons my name changes a lot. Please call me "Kinoko no Joou(Queen of Mushroom)", Леиа, Риэ, or whatever)


(To people whose face was on the video and warned her to stop uploading videos…)

●フォーラムではシカト● ※一時削除されていた。現在は、既にアカウントを取得している人間のみアクセス可能(筆者はアカウントがないため未確認)
(At the forum: ignore ...temporarily deleted. Right now only registered residents can access. Sorry I didn't register:-()

(Via twitter she moved her action)
@RealPluFan こんにちは〜。少し前にYouTubeのほうにコメントいただいたので、いま非公開にしている最中です。
(@RealPluFan Hello. I previously received comments on Youtube, so I'm setting the videos private.)
(Please hold on. Videos with identical faces will be processed in about 15-30minutes.)
(Thank you for noticing!)

(On the other hand, in facebook…)
http://www.dotup.org/uploda/www.dotup.org1049343.jpg.html deleted

> 腐でバンギャでスケオタなんだよw
(They are Fujoshi and band gals and figure skating geeks nyahaha)
> でも現実はヒソヒソ言うくらいしか出来ない子たちだから大丈夫。
(But actually only they can do is just muttering about it, so it doesn’t matter.)
> ランビオタの構想が一番激しいんだけど、
([Stephan] Lambiel geeks' internal conflict was the most violent one, but)
> あんなマジモンの盗撮騒ぎ(演技をほんとに盗撮してた)があっても、
(When there was a real secret filming (really secret-filming the performance) happened last time)
> 何もないから大丈夫。
(there wasn't anything)

At an ice show Diamond Ice held in Osaka this April, there was a secret filming by a fan of Stephan Lambiel

771 名前: 名無し草 Mail: sage 投稿日: 2010/07/24(土) 23:35:32

(She posted an apology on her blog after that,)
速攻削除 ttp://fearfish0820.wordpress.com/
(but it soon disappeared.)


腐:shortening of "Fujoshi (腐女子)"=females who make slashes with male characters
バンギャ: shortening of "ban gals”=groupie girls of band groups
スケオタ: shortening of "skating Otaku(geek)"≒ fans of figure skating
w=internet slangs representing laughter, sometimes imply sneering or sarcasm

663 :氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁:2010/07/25(日) 01:03:54 id:olXvM0Mt0

(round-up for "fish incident")
(Do not misplace your anger or ignore the warning)
(Note that those who those misplacing their anger might be a self-coup changing the mood of the thread)
(and most of them are actually abusing the thread)
(mood of thread depends on you people)
(respect etiquette when seeing shows)
(read past logs before begging information)
(I think that's enough)

664 :氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁:2010/07/25(日) 01:03:58 id:FEuSMlZP0

(Oh yeah someone's made round-up for this issue so I will paste it)
(made Plushy fan forum)
(uploading videos showing faces of others (only her face hidden))
(Though people warned to delete the them, )
(She was with composure and did not delete <- made an unnatural apology after that, but soon deleted)
(On the other hand, they talked like people warned were bad in facebook with public mode)
(People who took conversation uploaded prohibited photographs)

(Only their faces were well erased… awful)

Postscripts were added in Japanese version on 27th, but I have no time to translate this today...
Maybe posting later this week.

Round-up of Secret Filming in Japanese Figure Skating Show “Prince Ice World”

(This article is the English version of http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20100725122342 )

The administrator of Evgeni Plushenko Japanese Fan Forum had secretly filmed the show. Some of her twitter followers got carried away as well.
The administrator (fearfish0820 (also called Риэ, RieEnoki, kud*)) had uploaded the ice show videos on Youtube, with audiences' faces clearly identical.
(as a cultural background, without permission most Japanese detest showing their faces on the internet)
What is worse about these videos is that only the administrator's face had been processed to prevent identification.

After the upload of videos, some members warned her in Japanese forum to process the faces or delete videos because the faces are identical, but she ignored the comment.
She finally took her action when she received a comment from her follower on twitter telling them that she will tempolarily unpublicize the movies and show them after processing the faces not to be identified. However, only several videos became private and the others were still on web.

Her malicious action soon became a topic in 2ch (a largest Japanese anonymous BBS) etc. On facebook she started diminish people who warned her and fans of other skaters with her close twitter followers.
At the same time she posted an apology on her own blog and deleted all videos on Youtube. However, the apology was deleted in several hours (from her statement that she watches 2ch, she and her close followers might have been posting false protection in the correspondent thread)

A few hours later fearfish0820 deleted her twitter account, weblog, and Japanese fan forum.
There had been a co-administrator in the fan forum, but did feartish0820 deleted without any permission on midnight?

There are other problems related to fearfish0820:

  • "Unofficial Japanese" fan forums had same design of "official Russian" fan forum and this confused fans.
  • She interacted with Russian fan forum administrator on twitter, tried to make contact with Plushenko side, which is unconfirmed information.

Information about "Prince Ice World"
"Prince Ice World"is a first ice show in Japan since 1978. Performance in Tokyo was held on July 16-19, 2010.
The main attraction of this show is "fureai time (interaction time)" which is only for the audiences who purchased expensive ticket. The audiences can give flowers and presents to performers. They can also take conversations with performers, shake hands with them, and take photographs of them (but not with audiences).
In Japan only this show permits interaction with performers.
Filming is strictly prohibited in the show.

At the show held this July had quite different mood compared to previous Prince Ice World shows. At the fureai time fans' request were excessive that the closing time had extended, from the second day some of the show number had shortened*(unconfirmed information) and finally staffs announced not to have autographs or taking photographs with skaters. Overall the show was in great success.

fearfish0820 went to most of the shows in Tokyo, taking videos of Plushenko during his fan services, which was strictly prohibited. Clear faces of audiences talking with Plushenko and those taking pictures of him were on videos.

The biggest problems of this issue are that filming causes negative impact on Prince Ice World show and Plushenko performing in Japanese show.

Although filming is banned in the show, it was tolerated unless it does not disturb performers and audiences. This unwritten rule had been protected since the start of the show.

If fureai time will be abandoned, the show would lose its main attraction and Plushenko would not be called for the Prince Ice World. Japanese figure skating fans fear that these things will happen.
A victim reported this issue to the producer and they replied that they will take this issue seriously and take measure to it.

What fearfish0820 had done will destroy all the history of Prince Ice World show in Japan.

More translations will be posted later.

* new information added on Jul 27 2010